skin tightening with radio frequency
Whatis radio frequency?
Radio frequencies are electromagnetic waves. The unit of measurement for these fast electromagnetic waves is MHz (1 MHz = number of millions of oscillations per second). Different frequencies have different effects on the skin. Heating motivates the fibroblasts to divide in order to produce collagen and elastin and to support the formation of hyaluronic acid. This leads to a tightening of sagging and tired skin.
After thorough cleansing, an anhydrous oil is applied to the skin to be treated. By moving the applicator evenly over the skin, effective localized heating of the skin is created. After the treatment, the skin is slightly reddened and swollen. A perfume-free sunscreen is applied at the end of the treatment.
The treatment lasts approx. 30 minutes.
3-6 treatments at 14-day intervals.
Optimal in combination with microplasma.