Skin cancer screening
Take advantage of the opportunity for skin cancer screening and make an appointment for skin cancer screening.
Skin cancer can be diagnosed early because it is visible from the outside. The earlier skin cancer is detected and treated, the greater the chances of recovery.
In our dermatological practice in Berlin, we offer you skin cancer screening at the highest medical level and take a lot of time for this important examination. We look at your skin from head to toe and first document the entire body photographically.
All conspicuous skin changes are then marked on the overview photos and then documented magnified 15 times. In our practice on Kurfürstendamm we use the computer-assisted photo documentation system Visiomed for skin cancer screening. With its help, we can visualise and assess even the smallest skin changes.
In the case of unclear pigmented changes, we need additional information, which we obtain through examination with the help of the Nevisense (instant analysis for early melanoma detection). This device enables a quick and painless detection of melanomas (malignant skin changes, so-called black skin cancer).
Benign and malignant skin changes, skin cancer and its precursors can be assessed and treated as quickly as possible with outpatient surgery and/or light and laser therapy. Skin cancer is a very insidious disease, as it does not cause any pain. The main causes are genetic predispositions and the UV light of the sun.
Appointment duration: 1 hour (initial presentation), 15-30 minutes (check-up)
Black skin cancer - malignant melanoma
Early detection and preventive measures:
In Germany, about 200,000 people contract skin cancer every year: about 24,000 people with black skin cancer (malignant melanoma) and about 171,000 people with light skin cancer.
Don't be one of them!
Take advantage of skin cancer prevention and skin cancer screening at regular intervals and protect yourself from a treacherous cancer that causes no pain in the early stages. Screening should take place at intervals of 1-2 years so that skin changes can be detected and treated in time. The most important preventive measures include avoiding sunburns through consistent skin protection (shade, textile light protection, hats/caps, sunscreen). If already existing spots change and/or new spots appear, then please arrange a short-term check-up appointment.
White skin cancer - early detection is important
White skin cancer, also called light skin cancer, exists in different forms (actinic keratosis, squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, Bowen's disease). Actinic keratosis is the most common form of skin cancer worldwide. In Germany alone, about 6 million people live with this form of skin cancer; in Europe, every second patient over the age of 60 suffers from actinic keratoses. In about 10% of patients with actinic keratoses, a squamous cell carcinoma develops in the further course, which can form daughter tumours, so-called metastases.
It is also absolutely true for white skin cancer that the earlier the cancer is detected, the better the chances of cure. The therapy of the light skin cancer forms can be carried out by creams, cryotherapy, surgical removal, laser treatment and/or photodynamic therapy.
Get advice on skin cancer prevention in our dermatological practice and make use of the preventive examinations that make it possible to detect and treat white and black skin cancer at an early stage.
We will be happy to inform you in detail about the shady side of the sun and suitable light protection.