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Autumn is the best season for laser treatment

Green light against red vessels and disturbing pigmented skin changes.
Laser treatment with IDAS™ can remove many benign, unwanted skin changes effectively, quickly and safely.

Dates laser treatment in autumn

What makes the IDAS™ laser treatment ideal?

- Individual treatment: Adaptation of the treatment parameters to the skin change to be treated.

Safe and precise: The surrounding, healthy skin is protected.

- Fast: The treatment is fast and usually requires only a few treatment sessions.

- Low pain: During treatment like small "stings" , after treatment like light sunburn.

Treatment of skin lesions include:

What do you need to pay attention to?

- Avoid sunbathing: Avoid sunbathing: Avoid direct sun exposure
(including solarium) for a period of about four weeks even after treatment.

- Aftercare: Until about four weeks after the laser treatment, strong heating of the treated skin areas - for example by visiting a sauna - should be avoided.

Do you have questions about laser treatment or are you thinking of removing benign, disturbing skin changes then simply make an appointment. We will be happy to advise you in detail about treatment with the IDAS™ laser for an even, younger-looking complexion.

Availability of appointments via doctolib

Select possible treatments

Laser treatment of skin changes

Laser treatment of skin changes

Appointment 15-30 minutes
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